
2 press releases

European environmental and transport policies need to go hand-in-hand

Rli 16 October 2012 - Janez Potočnik calls on member states to create integrated European system for sustainable transport 12 October 2012 – EU member states can enhance their competitive position by making national mobility policy more sustainable and by creating a single European transport system. This was the message from Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment, at a conference called ‘Keep…

Dutch government names members of Council for the Environment and Infrastructure

Rli 13 July 2012 - 13 juli 2012 - The Dutch government announced the members of the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli). The Council is a new independent body that was established to advise the Dutch government and parliament on matters relating to the sustainable development of the physical environment and infrastructure.The Council will address wide-ranging issues facing society at large, such as…